More non-quilty sewing

So early this week (end) I posted about those awesome Jane Market bags I made. I originally was planning to make a couple for my older sister since she just had a complete kitchen makeover and I thought it needed some bright and fun accessories. I just wasn’t 100% sure she would like my fabric choices so I waited.

Well she just left for a weekend visit filled with sewing. She’s making me a dress to wear to my graduation and needed me to do several fittings. So while she sewed  I sewed too!

Here’s what I made:


The yellow one is made of a Michael Miller Citrus Tree, a yellow gingham from Riley Blake, and olive sun spots by Amy Butler.


The pink and blue has a teal stripe from DS quilts for JoAnn’s, Amy Butler’s Tumble Rose, and some leftover blue with pink polka dots (not sure what it is).

I love making these bags now I need to make some for myself! Maybe next time, I won’t be up til 3 am sewing and listening to Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure :)

Non-Quilty Sewing

I have been doing a little non-quilty sewing! Pretty exciting… When I was in high school I used to sew teddy bears out of felt and I occasionally made some slumber/lounge pants in middle school BUT I never really got into regular sewing.

Then I found this amazing pattern for a grocery bag- The Jane Market Bag by Posy gets Cozy. I’m really into the whole green thing and handmade fabric bags seem even better than those woven plastic bags they sell in the grocery stores! Plus this pattern also has pockets on the exterior to put a pen, your grocery list, coupons, maybe your moola if you don’t feel like lugging a purse :)

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So I made one…Then I realized I made the lining 2 inches to big! So I made a new appropriate sized lining, then a larger exterior :) So I have two grocery bags :)

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I originally was planning to make one for my older sister because she just had a kitchen makeover BUT I couldn’t decide what fabrics and colors to choose. Does that ever happen to you? Do you ever get super excited to make a project and get paralyzed by the fabric decision? It actually happens to me a lot!

Well the fabrics I used for these two bags are Michael Miller Going Coastal Crab Walk, Timeless Treasures Farm Fresh blueberries, and Hoodie’s Collection Tablecloth Check Blue. I love, love, love the blueberries :) We have four blueberry bushes at my family’s home and they are probably one of my favorite fruits :) And the crabs are so cute! If you do decide to make the Jane Market Bag be careful when cutting! I almost sliced into the crab fabric as I normally would for a quilt…strip piecing selvedge to selvedge…but then the crabs would be rotated sideways and not as cute!

I have also made some beautiful pillowcases with cuff and trim :) I used Ashley of Filim in the Fridge‘s tutorial! It was so easy!!! Now I’m wishing I did have that walking foot…while sewing the cuff, the fabric didn’t go through the needle evenly and I ended up with about an inch and a half overhang which I ended up trimming…

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I think they turned out great! The fabric is Church Flowers by Heather Bailey that I bought at the quilt show I went to last month! The fabric is part of the collection I used in the quilt I made for my little sister Jennie, so they will go great together when she goes off to college in the fall!

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Next up for non-quilty sewing:

  • pillowcases for me
  • Jane Market Bag for Jessica
  • Jane Market Bag for me
  • Noodlehead Divided Basket

I really need to do better with these pictures! My iPad is convenient but sucks :/